Acasa / Blog / 25 de elevi din Franta, in vizita la Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta

25 de elevi din Franta, in vizita la Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta

Astazi am vorbit despre noi, Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta! Un grup de 25 de elevi de la MFR Ferolles au venit sa vada cum lucram noi cu copiii. Acesti tineri vor lucra in domeniul social din Franta si au fost curiosi sa afle cat mai multe despre activitatea noastra. Avand de povestit despre 25 de ani de experienta, intalnirea noastra s-a prelungit. Am devenit prieteni. Ei au plecat plini de idei si vise, noi am ramas cu speranta ca intr-o zi vom avea un sistem social bine pus la punct.

vizita elevi din Franta

Today we talked about us, the Rehabilitation Foundation Speranta! A group of 25 students from MFR Ferolles came to see how we work with children. These young people will work in the social field in France and were curious to learn as much as thay can about our work. Having a history of over 25 years of experience, our meeting has been extended and we become friends. They left full of ideas and dreams; we remain hoping that someday we will have a well-established social system.

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