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Training of Trainers (ToT) for EFFICIENT PARENTING Project

Short-term joint staff training event hosted by PANEPISTIMIO AIGAIOU

A 5-day Training of  Trainers in Efficient Parenting, organized online by PANEPISTIMIO AIGAIOU, our Greece partner, and supported by all partners. Its main objective was to share the project’s resources and get experts acquainted with the practical aspects of the experience. The aim of the learning activity was to raise the participants’ awareness on the project’s methodology and e-learning space.

Training agenda


Day 1: Monday November 16, 2020 – Psychological Wellbeing
“Neophytos Ch. Charalambous” Institute of Development Ltd & Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Ltd
Trainer: Georgina Karaoli – Ltd
Georgia and her team have developed a program that contains practical awareness and relaxation techniques and exercises for parents.

Day 2: Tuesday November 17, 2020 – Parental Responsibility Rights and Duties Under European Law
Parents’ Access Rights in Case of Divorce and Cases of International Child Abduction
Children’s Right to Health
Children’s Right to Education
Protection of Children’s Personal Data
The University of the Aegean
Trainer: Anastasia Pyrini – UAEGEAN
Anastasia introduced us to parental legislation and the negative impact of divorce on the life of the whole family. The case study presented was a challenge for all participants.

Day 3: Wednesday November 18, 2020 – Social Connectedness
The Rural Hub and Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”
Trainer: Sarah Keegan – The Rural Hub
Sarah and her team used communication to explain how important the social connection is for effective parenting.

Day 4: Thursday November 19, 2020 – Behavioral Management
Rehabilitation Foundation “Speranţa” and The University of the Aegean
Trainer: Anca Menina Danci – FAS
Anca and the team created a program for parents that explains what happens at a brain level in children and parents, how we should relate to the child, the power of Yes /No words and what is positive parenting. For a deeper understanding, they used the power of does and don’ts.

Day 5: Friday November 20, 2020 – Hands on Activities on the Intellectual Output 1
Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”
Trainer: Dario Ferrante- Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”
Dario ran a session on ice-breaking exercises and practical self-knowledge and detachment exercises. These methods have been a challenge even for partners.

EFFective and Innovative approaChes for resilIENT PARENTING is a 2 years Erasmus Plus project. The consortium includes six partner organizations from five countries, who are experts in the field of parenting support, social and civic skills training, adult education and educational technology. By cooperating in a transnational participatory context, the partners develop innovative practices and exchange knowledge that raise their awareness, and provide them with appropriate knowledge, skills and competences to deliver quality parenting.
The project’s objectives aim to:
• Build the competencies of parents to be more resilient and efficient in their parental role.
• Develop quality resources to increase resilient parenting.
• Improve the overall quality of parenting support in the participating countries
• Increasing awareness on effective parenting skills among EU citizens.

More about EFFICIENT PARENTING Project here: 

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